
Showing posts from November, 2021


The decline of a civilization leads to the rise of another. In every time period in history, civilizations have always been at war for so many reasons;  To assert their Authority and cultural superiority, to conquer and dominate all other civilizations, to spread itself across the surface of the globe winning new initiates along the way and submerging the weak and slumbering civilizations.  The current global order and the most dominant civilizations is the English and European world order. Most of what we do, our thoughts, languages, mode of dressing and schools of thought, educational curriculum are all part and parcel of the European world order which was birthed in the age of inordinate quest for territorial expansion and glory that swept across Europe. The European Nations invested a lot in their conquest of overseas territories and in the export of their civilizations across the world. Political and ideological concepts like Liberalism, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism a...


  Is Africa still in chains? They painted the image of a white God in your mind, while the defeated devil was black, they deceived you, telling you that your Ancestors and Traditional deities were evil and devilish, they told you to abandon your root and Origin and become Christians and Muslims. Have you ever wondered why Africa is lagging behind, here lies the problem. Whether you like to admit or not, Christianity belongs to the Romans, Islam belongs to the Arabs, Hinduism belongs to the Hindus and Judaism belongs to the Jews. All world religions were created based on the indigenous culture, heritage and tradition of the land they find themselves. It seems so absurd that many Africans don't see the danger in all of these, many have been defeated mentally and made to denigrate their indigenous religion and ways of worshipping their ancestors. The white man accused Africans of worshipping idols while they see nothing wrong when they worship images, symbols and individuals.  Af...


*I.D.E HUMANITARIAN AND LEADERSHIP FOUNDATION [IDEHLF] with registration number: CAC/IT/130539 seek to solicit for sponsorship/partnership in the wake of her Global Young Pan African Visionary Leadership Conference coming up on the 19th of February, 2021.* *It is designed for young Africans with the sole aim of purging the African mind from ignorance and poverty.*  *IDEHLF is a leadership and humanitarian NGO, whose sole aim is to raise teenagers and youths in Africa with great Pan African Visionary leadership ability and capacity coupled with the fact that the African child is the one occupying the most richest  part of the earth, which is also Africa.* *Participants at the conference are expected to have a clear understanding of the fact that the major drawback to the progress of the black race is disunity.* *To have the consciousness of entrepreneurship and self reliability in the mind of the average African youth.* *The black child must understand that the only cure to Afr...


The Native Americans This place was a haven of cooing birds that celebrate in the trees  That dance and flutter with the leaves and flowers in the wind on summer evenings. Bonfires revealed the copper figures and faces of half-clad Cherokee children And women in camps of extended families celebrating the harvests of corn and squash and beans With roasted deer meats, their husbands had killed. My grandparents crossed the waters in slanted boats of logs to till this land, And here we lived in peace with the Iroquois and the Sioux Until the ships that carried people with cotton skin and yellow silky hair landed on our shores, Eyes as green and blue as the oceans on sunny days. They offered them mats to sleep,  water to bath, wild turkeys and pig meats  And deers and bears and glasses of beers brewed from barley and squash  As their culture demand. But they infect them with diseases to reciprocate their kind gestures. And today the history books read 'Columbus discovered...


  The vesica piscis is the sacred symbol of  twin flame(syzygy), it is the symbol of the sacred marriage or re-union of the twin flame (male and female,yin and yang) in the bridal chamber. It represents the mingling or merging/re-union of opposites, Male and female,  Light and darkness.  In esoteric thought, it represents dualism, good and evil mixed together. The oldest discovery of the Vesica Piscis dates back over 7000 years and was found in the Temple of Ausar(Osiris) in Abydos , Egypt (Kemet). Ancient Kemet mathematicians use this symbol in sacred buildings. Spirituallly, if we recognize the circle on its own as Source Energy (God or Goddess), the Vesica Piscis represents creation or the “womb of The Universe.” Think of a single circle as Source Energy, adding a second circle represents the spark of creation when the universe is born. This idea is enforced with its similarities to the shape of the vagina, The starting place of birth on a human level. It is enfor...

Egbé Òrun

  Communicating with your Egbé  The word Egbé in Yorùbá means Group/society/community and just as there are communities on Earth, there are also, according to the Yorùbá tradition, communities in Ã’run (the celestial level/realm). These communities in the Ã’run are a fraternity of spiritual friends and family, being one of the most powerful celestial fraternities, consisting of father, mother, friend, husband/wife who are the liaison with Egbé Ã’run. Egbé Ã’run is a complex, difficult and even mysterious subject, with so many questions that seem to have no answers. According to the Yorùbá tradition everyone has their Egbé Ã’run, no matter the colour, nationality or religion. Egbé Ã’run is part of each person's daily life. There are people that the relationship with your Egbé Ã’run is very intense and others not. Egbé Ã’run is not òrìsà and is also not related to the Ori nor to the fate of each individual. Although all of us belong to Egbé Ã’run, not all problems are related to Egbé, an...


 The theory and Philosophy of the Unmoved Mover was not an idea of Aristotle, it was a Stolen Legacy, it belonged to the ancient Egyptians. Aristotle was fully funded by Alexander the Great to go and plunder ancient Intellectual works and mysteries in Egypt. Alexander the great was in search of Fame and wanted to prove his legitimacy as Emperor, thus he embarked on ambitious projects for empire and glory. The so called Aristotle's metaphysics In the Memphite Theology, the Unmoved Mover was Atom/Atum who sat on Ptah, a hill in the time of the primordial chaos. Atum who is the Sun God or Fire God created eight other Gods from Within him, they are, Shu, Tefnut, Geb,and Nut. The first four birthed four others; Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Set. Together they are called the Ennead, the group of Nine Creator Gods. These nine formed the nine major planets in Egyptian Astronomy.  Ptah is the Uncreated Creator in the Memphite theology The Genesis Account of creation told us that God creat...


  The Edo people(Ancient bini empire, a preisthood tribe) trace their indigenous spiritual sciences to the well known and ancient kingdom of Egypt. It is through Egypt that most African magic and spiritual sciences had its origin. Egypt; an African civilization, spread its spiritual sciences through the continent by traders, scholars and those priest that fled Egypt as a result of several invasions. However, this magic/medicine probably predates Egypt because it was already at a advanced level when it arrived there. From Egypt spread its spiritual sciences that manifested in one form or another in smaller increments to the rest of Africa and subsequently to the world. Therefore, it is through African spiritual sciences that one can get a closer view at the remnants of Egyptian magic. Edo cosmology is a unification of monotheism and polytheism. Monotheism because there is a high God (the universe) that is uncontested. Polytheism because there are lesser deities(gods) that emana...


 Have you ever wondered why Congo is the most plundered country in the world?  Have you ever asked yourself why Congo is still relatively poor while sitting on a land mass of wealth and prosperity?  Congo's example is similar to that of Africa. All African countries are still slaves in their own country and they have no access to their wealth and resources. The video below says it all. Don't worry, it's a short video, it won't take your time or consume your data.


The time for a Black Renaissance is long overdue, without a rebirth of our ancient greatness, we will forever remain a  subjugated and defeated race. No people, nation or race can stand the test of time without a firm hold and knowledge of their history or roots, just like how no iroko, baobab or oak tree can live and blossom for many years without a firm root which hold tight its enormous stem underneath the earth. The history of Africa in relation to the larger history of the world has been distorted in every front, misrepresented and falsified to the highest degree. It has been downgraded, downplayed, ignored and neglected in the bigger picture of the world civilization and global history by both the Blacks of this current dispensation and the Eurocentric/ Hellenistic Scholars and Historians. The history of the black race and Africa as a whole has been an object of contention, disagreements, endless debates, propositions and hypothesis over the course of history and centuries....


  It is a shame that Africans are still aiding the Europeans in the  demonization of our  Spirituality, culture, ways of worshipping, pantheon and traditional heritage.  Our ancestors knew God and understood nature and the universe before Rome and Mecca began to spread their religions through violence, forceful conversion and unnecessary waste of human lives. It is well recorded that the Egyptians and all other religions in Africa knew the cosmology of the universe, the stars and other extra terrestrial existences long before Christianity and Islam were formed. This is evident in the Egyptian book of the dead, the Ifa odu verses and creation story, it is evident in most of Africa’s creation stories which depicted Inter-stellar events and descent of Gods and Deities from the sky who created humans and the world at large.  There was a time when the Bishops of Rome and other murderous men of the Roman Empire who were proclaimed  ‘Saints’  launched gruesom...


    At the Berlin conference of 1884/1885 all European ruling houses and elites laid down their arms to dialogue amongst themselves on how best to rule, conquer and subjugate their  overseas colonies and investments in Africa. Prior to the Conference of 1884 and before the era of contacts with the European slave traders, Africa used to be a continent with diverse empires, kingdoms and societies, with each developing at their own pace. Never was it thought or conceived that members of the different Nations and ethnic nationalities across the continent will become countries in the future forcefully married together.  In Nigeria's case, it seemed absurd that Nations and races like the Yoruba, Igbos, Hausas, the Bini People, the Nupe Nation, The Kanem-Bornu Empire were all forced to merge under a single country. These peoples with diverse cultures could not have survived together, neither could they have settled amongst themselves, these peoples who were forced to become...