At the Berlin conference of 1884/1885 all European ruling houses and elites laid down their arms to dialogue amongst themselves on how best to rule, conquer and subjugate their overseas colonies and investments in Africa.
Prior to the Conference of 1884 and before the era of contacts with the European slave traders, Africa used to be a continent with diverse empires, kingdoms and societies, with each developing at their own pace. Never was it thought or conceived that members of the different Nations and ethnic nationalities across the continent will become countries in the future forcefully married together.
In Nigeria's case, it seemed absurd that Nations and races like the Yoruba, Igbos, Hausas, the Bini People, the Nupe Nation, The Kanem-Bornu Empire were all forced to merge under a single country. These peoples with diverse cultures could not have survived together, neither could they have settled amongst themselves, these peoples who were forced to become a single country have had long contacts with each other, they traded amongst themselves and some fought wars and conflicts against each other in the years before the Europeans set their foot on the shores of Benin. They all evolved different systems of governance and societal development that stood at par from each other.
The Berlin conference came after the era of human slavery was gradually fading away and at a time when Europe was entering into an era of Imperialism and colonialism. The end of slavery meant a diminishing of the European economy. Thus direct control over the colonies however expensive it was administratively was the next step. It was necessary that Africa was divided and shared amongst themselves without the consent of the indigenes of those lands they plundered. The fate of Africa was discussed and determined by total strangers in far away Germany who all had a common goal which was the economic survival and dominance of their race, Culture and Civilization at the detriment of Africans. This brings to bare one of the major motivation for colonialism and imperialism; It was a survival quest, Europe had to survive and pluck wealth from a very fruitful and resource rich Africa.
In the early 1900s, European Ruling Houses began to colonize many Territories across Africa. Colonization was necessary in order for the colonial scheme and structure to be successful and well established in Africa. Many of those lands and Protectorates as they were called in Nigeria were amalgamated. The amalgamation was never at any point meant to benefit Africans economically, socially or in any wise. Many of the countries that were created after these amalgamations were soon torn into Conflicts and wars in the Post independent Africa. Counties like Sudan, Nigeria, Ethiopia/Eritrea, Rwanda, South Africa, Somalia, etc. fought bloody civil wars which questioned their unity and threatened the existence of such countries.
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