A time is coming, which is now, when there shall be a third world war, it is not a war which involves weapons and ammuntions no!
This new war is a war for racial dominance, for economic supremacy and influence..
It is a war between the old/established order vs the new world order..
It is a war between the future and past, it is a war whose outcome will determine the next chapter in global History..
It is a war between the oppressor and the oppressed, it is a Revolutionary war where the masses shall rise against the egocentric Elites to demand for their freedom..
It is a war between the ruler and the ruled, the Ruled shall demand accountability from those they employed to serve their interests..
This war shall be a major turning point..
The old system shall be discarded to herald a new dawn..
This is a war of wits, guts, psyche and intellects. It is a war of diplomatic prowess.
This is a war of nations vs nations and tribes vs tribes.
The stronger races will be the major winners, while the weaker races will be crushed and vanquished...
We must know that there is no such thing as the United Nations. The UN is an organization created by the West. Africa is the major loser in the UN.
Nations are not united, each are fighting to solidify and promote their national Interest at the detriment of others.. There is no such thing as the Commonwealth of Nations, the resources of the world are not evenly distributed among Nations. This is a time when nations are mandated to build and develop their economy, this is the time for nations, tribes and races to come together and protect what they have.. This is the time for Nations to invest into the future..
2020 is a critical junction in global History.
From 2021, a new world order will begin..
Watch out for China!
Watch out for the rise of crypto currency..
Africans we need to wake up..
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