It is a shame that Africans are still aiding the Europeans in the  demonization of our  Spirituality, culture, ways of worshipping, pantheon and traditional heritage. 

Our ancestors knew God and understood nature and the universe before Rome and Mecca began to spread their religions through violence, forceful conversion and unnecessary waste of human lives. It is well recorded that the Egyptians and all other religions in Africa knew the cosmology of the universe, the stars and other extra terrestrial existences long before Christianity and Islam were formed. This is evident in the Egyptian book of the dead, the Ifa odu verses and creation story, it is evident in most of Africa’s creation stories which depicted Inter-stellar events and descent of Gods and Deities from the sky who created humans and the world at large. 

There was a time when the Bishops of Rome and other murderous men of the Roman Empire who were proclaimed  ‘Saints’  launched gruesome crusades against the people they termed as: "Heathens and Unbelievers" in Jerusalem, the near East and the fringes of North Africa. The marauding crusaders destroyed and burnt down many shrines, plundered and stole many Sculptures and art works which they called Idols. Meanwhile they erected their own idols and told us to worship them. It is not hidden, the Koran has stated clearly that Muslims must continuously launch Jihads against the Infidels or Unbelievers, while the Romans used the fear of an afterlife hell or eternal conflagration of God’s wrath to make People reluctantly accept their religion. When most people have been subjected to fear, penury, slavery and mental stress on Earth, they have no other option than to accept the Religion that promises them an afterlife bliss and enjoyment in Paradise. 

A tribe in Chad

A part of the Bible said we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us, I found this ridiculous and a deliberate attempt to brainwash People. Let us analyze that passage clearly. Imagine a person with a Cutlass who is cutting your hand slowly and you are bleeding to death, he is definitely your enemy. Will you keep silent and pray for him? Will you willingly give him your other hand to cut? Won't you defend yourself or run away from this enemy?  The white men who stole our culture and civilization and who are still doing it are our real Enemies, but they knew a day will come when the Black man will rise and demand retribution, thus they created a religion to spiritually enslave us. If you love your enemy and pray for him, that enemy will keep killing you and you will foolishly allow him to continue doing that until you stand up in protest and defiance to fight that enemy. It is dangerous to keep silent while our enemies keep Plundering our land, it is dangerous to be asleep while our enemies have been manufacturing arms and setting up nuclear and biological weapons to completely obliterate us through subtle means, example is: Population control, economic control, Religious control..etc.. It is so funny that the Israelites who are the supposedly chosen People of God are no longer waiting for their Messiah who never showed up for thousands of years, they are now arming themselves, Israel is one of the most powerful countries on Earth in terms of weapons, they now know they must defend themselves from bondage and external invasions, not through the help of any Savior who has promised to come but never showed up. It is on record that an average Israeli wields a gun and pocket knives, they walk about with it. Not too long ago, Israel was able to repel and defend itself from airstrikes targeted at it by Palestine, Israel had missile defence mechanisms that protected them from these external airstrikes, they never waited for any Saviour or prayed to Yahweh to defend them. 

Let me tell you something! God does not have a paradise painted in gold and Grandeur and diamonds as painted and depicted in the figments of man's imaginations and written down in the Holy scriptures of Mecca and Rome. God does not dwell in the sky, God is the sky, God is everything, God is the Universal Consciousness, God is the totality of all the elements combined. God gave us the light of our world which is the Sun. The Romans who created their religion from an Offshoot of the sun worship in ancient Kemetic Religions replaced the sun as God's light to our  world with an image and a ‘Son’  who was European and White, we know of all these. Many Historians know these dark aspects of Islam and Christianity, but they choose not to talk about it, they pretend as if they don't know about it.  Jerusalem or Mecca is not our holy city, for the Yoruba, Ile-Ife is our holy city, for the Egyptians, Cairo is their Holy city, etc.

A Historian owes it as a duty to posterity to always say the Truth no matter who it hurts or annoys. My question remains: " Why did and why are many Africans willingly abandoning their Spirituality which is part and parcel of their culture and Heritage and way of life and civilizations to adopt foreign Religions.

Mind you, do not believe the lies told by the Europeans that Africans killed each other in their religion and that they ate people's flesh and blood, that's a lie. If we should accept it as Truth, what happened to the Romans who instituted the holy Communion and told people to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus?

 I personally interviewed three Ifa Priests and I asked them if Ifa accepts Human sacrifice, the Priests stated categorically that any Priest who accepts human sacrifice is fake and a scam, they said Ifa will never accept the blood of another man as sacrifice to Olodumare, the ultimate sacrifice Ifa demands of a man to get the good life he wants is the sacrifice of stopping bad habits, the sacrifice of turning a new leaf, the sacrifice of changing from a bad to a good character, the sacrifice of living a morally sound life, Ifa accepts animal sacrifice, an Ifa Priests is gifted with the ability to peer into the future of a student to tell them the dangers to avoid as they proceed in the journey of  their Spirituality and life and to also tell them about their future and what lies ahead for them. 

In one of my recent posts, it is stated that the next big Revolution for Africans is the breaking free from these foreign Religions and ideologies and Theologies and doctrines. Our Ancestors never for once told us that a God will throw a chunk of mankind in hell for disbelieving in a mortal Jesus as their Lord and Savior, it was never recorded anywhere that God/Olodumare has any equal in form of a man, even the Jewish Prophet Isaiah stated clearly to his fellow adherents of Judaism and Yahweh Worshippers that the Lord God shares his glory with no one, the Lord God had no rival or equal, why then was the story of Jesus promoted? Why then did Rome later accept a Jesus they killed and persecuted during the crucifixion and the acts of the Apostles, why then did Rome demonize the sun Worshipping Religion of ancient Egypt which they plagiarized and copied in the formation of their own Religions?

The Sun is the only light of God given freely to our  World, there is no ‘Son’  anywhere that gives life to the world, we are all children of God, God does not have a special son who sits by his throne and who has hijacked the right to forgive sins from God, even this self proclaimed son prayed to the Father in heaven when he was in agony, this self proclaimed Son never called himself God.  Of course God cannot pray to Itself. We are in the age where we must Question the Christian and Islamic Theologies we grew up knowing, there are Knowledge and truths hidden from us and which we must investigate and decipher, we can't continue to be deceived forever, we must wake up to reality dear children of Kemet


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