The theory and Philosophy of the Unmoved Mover was not an idea of Aristotle, it was a Stolen Legacy, it belonged to the ancient Egyptians. Aristotle was fully funded by Alexander the Great to go and plunder ancient Intellectual works and mysteries in Egypt. Alexander the great was in search of Fame and wanted to prove his legitimacy as Emperor, thus he embarked on ambitious projects for empire and glory.
The so called Aristotle's metaphysics |
In the Memphite Theology, the Unmoved Mover was Atom/Atum who sat on Ptah, a hill in the time of the primordial chaos. Atum who is the Sun God or Fire God created eight other Gods from Within him, they are, Shu, Tefnut, Geb,and Nut. The first four birthed four others; Osiris, Isis, Nephthys and Set. Together they are called the Ennead, the group of Nine Creator Gods. These nine formed the nine major planets in Egyptian Astronomy.
Ptah is the Uncreated Creator in the Memphite theology |
The Genesis Account of creation told us that God created everything, but yet even God as portrayed in the Bible told us that: "Let us make man in our own image" Obviously, he/she was not alone. The Unmoved Mover is the God Atum who is portrayed as fire. The Bible says God is a consuming fire. It seems weird to realise that the sun is the giver of life, everything in the universe depends on the sun for their growth and breeding. Atum was portrayed as the Sun God. Ptah is the God of Gods, Ptah tasked Atum with the job of creation.
The setting of the Memphite Theology is astronomical, it is a myth only the Priests in the Thebes Temple and the Temple of Karnak Understood. This is why across History, we have seen and heard of different accounts of Creation, all filled with Contradictions and exaggerated stories. The concept of baptism had been practised by the ancient Egyptians long before Christ came, it was called the Osirian death and resurrection, it was part of the initiation process for Neophytes into the Mystery Systems.
The mystery system is like a a School and Learning Centre, it is in that school that Initiates gain salvation from bodily fetters and they find the god in them, it was a school of Spirituality and self discovery. Osiris was once dead, but with the help of Isis his wife, he resurrected back to life, the Hindus also believed crishna did so, only Islam is a little different. Remember Atum/Sun God rises and fall Everyday, that is the true resurrection..
The unmoved Mover creating our universe |
The Egyptian book of the Dead portrayed the story of an afterlife judgement which spoke about every man's life and actions being weighed on a scale.
Across history, many people, countries and Empires had plundered Egypt, from the biblical Christ to Moses and the Prophets and Philosophers of old. Remember Moses spent half of his life in Egypt, he was schooled and taught the Egyptian ways, Religion and Intellectual secrets, the Israelites, to Jacob, to almost all of mankind. Egypt holds that answer. This is why Egypt has repeatedly being plundered, exploited and dug up. The ancient Egytpians were great Thinkers and Innovators. The Egypt of old was a Black Civilization. Herodotus the so called Father of History confirmed this in his book on the History of the world of his days. They called Egypt Kemet, which is the Land of the sun burnt men. The ancient Egytpians bear semblance with today's Sudanese People. When the old kingdom was invaded a s attacked by the Arabs, the Romans and Greeks, the population became mixed, the original Blacks began spreading inward towards Sub-Sahara Africa.
Further Readings
* African Origin of Civilization; Cheikh Anta Diop
* Stolen Legacy; George G. M James
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