Is Africa still in chains? |
They painted the image of a white God in your mind, while the defeated devil was black, they deceived you, telling you that your Ancestors and Traditional deities were evil and devilish, they told you to abandon your root and Origin and become Christians and Muslims. Have you ever wondered why Africa is lagging behind, here lies the problem.
Whether you like to admit or not, Christianity belongs to the Romans, Islam belongs to the Arabs, Hinduism belongs to the Hindus and Judaism belongs to the Jews. All world religions were created based on the indigenous culture, heritage and tradition of the land they find themselves. It seems so absurd that many Africans don't see the danger in all of these, many have been defeated mentally and made to denigrate their indigenous religion and ways of worshipping their ancestors. The white man accused Africans of worshipping idols while they see nothing wrong when they worship images, symbols and individuals.
Africans knew and studied the concept of God, nature, the universe and the supernatural occurrences that left them in awe and wonder before the White man and Arabs came with their own version of God . One of such is the Memphite theology which offers us insights into the Gods of Egypt, the philosophy of ancient Egyptians, the culture and civilization of the Nile valley, etc. Before the Romans introduced their created Religion, Africans were worshipping the Supreme Being through the diverse manifestations of nature and the inexplicable events which beclouded their reasoning. Before the Mecca Jihadists spread a message saying; al-LAH is the only Supreme and one God, there had been beliefs among Africans in the existence of a Supreme Deity who was called different names like; Kalunga, Osanobua, Olodumare, Nyame, Ptah, etc.
Therefore, it is expedient that future generation of Africans should study the African Traditional religions, they should devote time, energy and efforts in knowing the true African history so as to tell the African story to the world. Some universities in the United States are now offering courses on Ifa Philosophy, African Spirituality, etc. Africans must embrace our Indigenous Spirituality, rebrand, repackage and evolve it.
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