
Showing posts from December, 2021


  The rise of a giant Except one ressurect from the dead to life, one cannot enter a higher state of consciousness (the kingdom of heaven). An awakened man is risen from the dead and ascended, he becomes the living among the dead and those who search for him are  searching  for the living among the dead(the resurrected and ascended). For every soul descended into the prison of the body and this world and must ascend back to where he/she comes from. One must first descend before one can ascend, one must first die before one can resurrect to life. The dead are those trapped to the prison of the body and this world, they forgot who they are and never bother to know who they are, why they are here and what they are to be doing. They become trapped and become earthbound, helpless to the cycles of reincarnation. The dead survive by their fears and ego. They are seek nothing but food, jobs, entertainment and sleep. Indeed, they are dreamers in dreams and sleepers in sleeps and m...


 A time is coming, which is now, when there shall be a third world war,  it is not a war which involves weapons and ammuntions no! This new war is a war for racial dominance, for economic supremacy and influence.. It is a war between the old/established order vs the new world order.. It is a war between the future and past, it is a war whose outcome will determine the next chapter in global History.. It is a war between the oppressor and the oppressed, it is a Revolutionary war where the masses shall rise against the egocentric Elites to demand for their freedom.. It is a war between the ruler and the ruled, the Ruled shall demand accountability from those they employed to serve their interests.. This war shall be a major turning point.. The old system shall be discarded to herald a new dawn.. This is a war of wits, guts, psyche and intellects. It is a war of diplomatic prowess. This is a war of nations vs nations and tribes vs tribes. The stronger races will be the major winn...


1. THE HUMAN EYE AND WATER: Water is the element that is used for seeing both physically and Spiritually,Our ancient Ancestors use water to see into Spiritual/elemental worlds,especially by using water through water pots or Calabash.Most Seers are from the water worlds.As water is used for cleansing and purification,the tears on the eye( which is birthed from the heart) cleanse the soul.on Earth,tears is the language of the Soul.our ancestors also perform certain sacred initiations and ritual rites beside and before seas,oceans, rivers,lakes and lagoon etc(Any water bodies).They give sacred sacrifices (ebo) to these water bodies, asking some personal needs, during rituals, purification or ceremony.The eye(s) is the symbol of enlightenment/awakening.literally and spiritually,when your eyes is closed,you means you are asleep and when your eyes is opened,it means you are awake.Most of the Seers are from the Water worlds.This is why the human eyes is made from water and patterned after the...

MATIGARI (Book Review)

  Dubbed as one of the greatest Writers and Literary Export from Africa, Ngugi Wa Thiong O stands on his own as a legend and unique Writer. He began using Gikuyu his indigenous language to write all his novels, including the classic; "weep not child" which brought him a global acclamation. All his novels are known to confront the evils in our society thereby bringing readers to deep states of introspection.  Ngugi went further in "   Matigari". Matigari ma Njuruungi the Protagonist of the Novel proclaimed a Revolution in the unknown and dysfunctional society being  described in the novel. This society was dysfunctional and yet the inhabitants seemed to be negligent of this, some have cowered and become deadened by fear. Matigari was the last and remnant of the Freedom Fighters that went to fight Settler Williams and fan the fire of independence from the Europeans in the bush and forest. Matigari proclaimed himself the Conqueror of Settler Williams who reaped whe...


  The Yoruba Traditional Religion is laden with many mysteries and occurrences that has Spiritual interpretations. The Yoruba metaphysics stems from the wonder and awe our ancestors had when they saw the raw manifestations of nature. They began asking questions and conceiving beliefs that these raw display of nature was the handiwork of many Supreme Beings and deities, they believed there was one greater than them all (OLODUMARE) who controlled all the other Deities.  Olodumare is the Owner of the Source of Life that does not become empty. Olodumare has no gender, Olodumare is the Supreme Force which cannot be defined by man's limited understanding. Olodumare sowed the seed of life from the beginning and sent gods and Orishas on missions to create the Earth and other planets. In the wisdom of Ifa, there are 256 Odu verses which are all coded secrets about the world, universe, wisdom, knowledge and solutions to myriads of problems. During an Ifa Session, a Priest is expected to...