The rise of a giant Except one ressurect from the dead to life, one cannot enter a higher state of consciousness (the kingdom of heaven). An awakened man is risen from the dead and ascended, he becomes the living among the dead and those who search for him are searching for the living among the dead(the resurrected and ascended). For every soul descended into the prison of the body and this world and must ascend back to where he/she comes from. One must first descend before one can ascend, one must first die before one can resurrect to life. The dead are those trapped to the prison of the body and this world, they forgot who they are and never bother to know who they are, why they are here and what they are to be doing. They become trapped and become earthbound, helpless to the cycles of reincarnation. The dead survive by their fears and ego. They are seek nothing but food, jobs, entertainment and sleep. Indeed, they are dreamers in dreams and sleepers in sleeps and m...